Cambodia: ICJ testifies before Canadian Subcommittee on International Human Rights

Mar 27, 2018 | Advocacy, News

Today, the ICJ testified before the Canadian House of Commons Subcommittee on International Human Rights on the human rights and rule of law crisis in Cambodia.

Kingsley Abbott, ICJ Senior International Legal Adviser, addressed the Subcommittee on two key issues:

  • The misuse of the law in Cambodia under the pretext of the “Rule of Law”; and
  • The lack of an independent and impartial judiciary.

Other witnesses were former members of the Cambodian Parliament for the main opposition party, the CNRP, before its dissolution in November 2017, Mu Sochua and Kong Sophea.

Kingsley Abbott also requested that the ICJ’s October 2017 Baseline Study on the state of the rule of law and human rights in Cambodia be added to the record.


Kingsley Abbott, ICJ Senior International Legal Adviser for Southeast Asia, e:

Thailand-SDIR-Statement-ABBOTT-Advocacy-2018-ENG (Full opening statement ENG, PDF)

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