CIJL Yearbook: strengthening judicial independence, eliminating judicial corruption, vol. IX, 2000

Issue: Independence of Judges and Lawyers
Document Type: Publication
Date: 2001

This volume of the CIJL Yearbook focuses particularly on eliminating coruption in the judiciary.

It contains:

  • Editorial, by Robert D. Nicholson
  • The Meeting of the CIJ L Expert Workshop on Judicial Corruption, by Greg Mayne
  • The Legal Concept of Judicial Corruption, by Robert D. Nicholson
  • Strengthening the Judiciary against Corruption, by Petter Langseth and Oliver Stolpe
  • The Multilateral Development Banks and Judicial Corruption, by Linn Hammergren
  • Professional and Public Control of Judicial Corruption, by Dalmo de Abreu Dallari
  • Towards an Ethic to Control Judicial Corruption, by Richard J. Scott
  • Annex: CIJL Policy Framework for Preventing and Eliminating Corruption and Ensuring the Impartiality of the Judicial System

CIJL Yearbook- strengthening judicial independence + corruption-IX-2000-eng (full text in English, PDF)


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