Honduras: Appointment and promotion of judges; Security of tenure

Honduras: Appointment and promotion of judges; Security of tenure

Judges should be appointed through an open process on the basis of prescribed criteria based on merit and integrity, and without discrimination.{{1}}  Only “individuals of integrity and ability with appropriate training or qualifications in law” should be eligible for...
Honduras: Appointment and promotion of judges; Security of tenure

Honduras: Judges

Individual judges and the judiciary as a whole must be independent and impartial.{{1}} The requirement that courts and other tribunals be effective, independent and impartial “is an absolute right that is not subject to any exception.”{{2}}  Any body (including...
Honduras: Appointment and promotion of judges; Security of tenure

Honduras: Court structure

There are three levels of ordinary courts in Honduras: the Supreme Court of Justice; the Courts of Appeal; and the Courts of first instance (Juzgados de Letras). The Supreme Court is located in the capital Tegucigalpa and has three chambers: civil, criminal, and...
Honduras: Appointment and promotion of judges; Security of tenure

Honduras: International treaty status

The following table sets out the status of a range of international treaties in Honduras as of 19 August 2014. [table] ,Ratification accession or succession International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 25 August 1997 Optional Protocol to the International...
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