EU: Training materials on Alternatives to Detention for Migrant Children

Apr 29, 2022 | News, Training modules

The ICJ has published today a set of training materials on Alternatives to Detention for Migrant Children

The materials cover the international and EU legal framework of alternatives to detention for children and related rights, such as the right to liberty and prohibition of immigration detention of children. The materials aim to support efforts to ensure that children are never detained for purposes of immigration control, in accordance with international standards.

The materials provide specific good practice examples of alternatives, such as case management or placement of migrant children in mainstream child protection systems. Module III. details the right to be heard and procedural rights of children, and Module IV. covers communication with children in this context.

The training modules are aimed for national judges, lawyers, state authorities, guardians, social workers, and other practitioners.

The modules are entitled:

I. Care of migrant children: the need for alternatives to detention

II. Alternatives to detention: practical example of care of migrant children

III. Appropriate procedures to guarantee access to effective remedies for migrant children in detention and when subject to alternatives to detention

IV. How to communicate and work with children subject to alternatives to detention

The materials were developed as part of the CADRE project (Children’s Alternatives to Detention protecting their Rights in Europe). This project seeks to promote the expansion, implementation and improvement of viable and effective alternatives to detention for migrant children in full respect of their rights in the European Union. As part of this project the ICJ also developed a searchable database to facilitate access to extracts of laws and jurisprudence, best practices and standards, on alternatives to detention for migrant children for legal professionals.

The materials are available in following languages: English, Bulgarian, Greek, Polish, French and Dutch.

You can download the materials here:

In English:

Module I. Care of Migrant Children: the need for alternatives to detention

Module II. Alternatives to Detention: practical examples of care of migrant children

Module III. Appropriate Procedures to guarantee access to effective remedies for migrant children in detention and when subject to alternatives to detention

Module IV: How to communicate and work with children subject to alternatives to detention

In Bulgarian:

Модул I. Грижа за деца мигранти: необходимостта от алтернативи на задържането

Модул II. Алтернативи на задържането: практически пример за грижа за деца мигранти

Модул III. Подходящи процедури за гарантиране на достъп до ефективни средства за защита при задържане на деца мигранти и при прилагане на алтернативи на задържането спрямо тях

Модул IV. Как да общуваме и да работим с деца, спрямо които се прилагат алтернативи на задържането

In Greek:

Eνότητα I. Φροντίδα παιδιών μεταναστών: η ανάγκη για εναλλακτικές λύσεις αντί της κράτησης

Eνότητα II. Εναλλακτικά της κράτησης μέτρα: Πρακτικά προβλήματα της φροντίδας των παιδιών μεταναστών

Eνότητα III. Κατάλληλες διαδικασίες για την εξασφάλιση της πρόσβασης σε αποτελεσματικά ένδικα μέσα για κρατούμενα παιδιά μετανάστες και όταν υποβάλλονται σε εναλλακτικά της κράτησης μέτρα

Eνότητα IV. Πως να επικοινωνείτε και να εργάζεστε με παιδιά που υποβάλλονται σε εναλλακτικά της κράτησης μέτρα

In Polish

Module I. Opieka nad dziećmi będącymi migrantami: potrzeba stosowania środków alternatywnych

Module II. Środki alternatywne wobec detencji: praktyczny przykład opieki nad dziećmi będącymi migrantami

Module III. Odpowiednie procedury gwarantujące dostęp do skutecznych środków ochrony prawnej dzieciom będącym migrantami, w stosunku do których zastosowano detencję albo środki alternatywne wobec detencji

Module IV. Jak komunikować się i pracować z dziećmi, w stosunku do których stosowane są środki alternatywne wobec detencji?

In French:

Module I. Prise en charge des enfants en situation de migration : la nécessité d’alternatives à la détention

Module II. Alternatives à la détention: exemple pratique de prise en charge d’enfants en situation de migration

Module III. Procédures appropriées pour garantir l’accès à des recours utiles pour les enfants en détention et lorsqu’ils sont soumis à des alternatives à la détention dans un contexte migratoire

Module IV. Comment communiquer et travailler avec des enfants soumis à des mesures alternatives à la détention?

In Dutch:

Module I. Opvang van migrantenkinderen: de behoefte aan alternatieven voor detentie

Module II. Alternatieven voor detentie: praktisch voorbeelden van opvang van migrantenkinderen

Module III. Passende procedures om de toegang tot doeltreffende rechtsmiddelen te waarborgen voor migrantenkinderen in detentie en wanneer zij aan alternatieven voor detentie worden onderworpen

Module IV. Hoe te communiceren en te werken met kinderen onderworpen aan alternatieven voor detentie


Watch the videos here:


Module I

Module II

Module III

Module IV

To watch recordings of lectures offered by Prof. Stuart Kinner, Maaike Vanderbruggen and Eleonora Celoria, that took place during a CADRE training in Poland, please click here.

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