ICJ Bulletin no. 8 (December 1958)

Latin America
Issue: Civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights
Document Type: Publication
Date: 1958

By publishing this bulletin, the ICJ wishes to provide a forum for the free exchange of views among jurists all over the world; it invites them to supply information and comments on legal developments worthy of attention in individual countries.

This edition exposes various aspects of the Rule of law in:

  • the UN and Council of Europe
  • China
  • United States
  • Argentina
  • Spain
  • Hungary
  • Ceylon
  • Turkey
  • Sweden
  • Ghana
  • Yugoslavia
  • Iraq
  • Cuba
  • United Kingdom
  • Portugal
  • South Africa

ICJ Bulletin-8-1958-eng (full text in English, PDF)

ICJ Bulletin-8-1958-spa (full text in Spanish, PDF)

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