ICJ Kenya Mombasa Round table series on strengthening human rights protection in Africa

Sep 12, 2011 | Events

The Kenyan Section of the ICJ and other human rights institutions will be convening the Third Roundtable on strengthening the African human rights system in Mombasa, Kenya from 20 – 21 October 2011.

The purpose of the Roundtable is to build from the inaugural and second Roundtable by placing a focus on four themes:
  • Access to regional courts;
  • Enforcement of judgments of regional courts
  • Litigation challenges at regional courts
  • Prosecution of international crimes in Africa

The Roundtable will draw on experiences from sub-regional courts and from other regional courts including the Inter-American Human Rights Court in addressing these themes.

The Roundtable will also examine the litigation opportunities and challenges at the African Court and the interplay (1) between the African Court and the African Commission; and (2) between the African Court and the sub-regional courts that include the African Charter in sources of law.

Underscoring these debates will be the role of interested parties, including the Coalition, practitioners in litigation, and academics in strengthening the African human rights system and providing justice for victims of human rights abuses.

Third Roundtable African protection-background-agenda-2011 (background note, PDF)

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