The ICJ conducts Training on CEDAW and a Roundtable on ICCPR in Maldives.
The ICJ undertook a series of activities under its National Implementation Programme in the Maldives from 28 May to 13 June 2003. The ICJ, at the request of and in cooperation with of the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Security, organized a training programme for senior governmental officials and community leaders on the provisions of CEDAW. The training covered the topics such as introduction to international human rights law, UN human rights mechanism, the development of women’s rights regime, linkages between women’s and children’s rights, and the provisions of the CRC and CEDAW. The impact of CEDAW best practices at the national level was emphasized. The participants were also informed of the reporting requirements under CEDAW and their relevance for the Maldives.
In addition, pursuant to a request from the Ministry, the ICJ undertook an assessment to identify the major concerns requiring legal reforms in the area of violence against women. In this respect, the ICJ held extensive consultations with government officials, judges, lawyers, members of the Law Commission, police officials, prosecutors, non-governmental organizations and victims of domestic abuse. The report on the ICJ’s legal assessment, including its recommendations will be submitted to the Government of Maldives.
Additionally, the members of the ICJ Mission participated in a roundtable organized in cooperation with the office of the Attorney General, for its law officers. The roundtable provided information and understanding on the implications of the treaty for the national legal system in the Maldives, particularly within the context of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). It also included information on best practices with regard to the treaty influence on legal reforms in various parts of the world based on the jurisprudence of the UN Human Rights Committee. The Maldives has yet to ratify the ICCPR.
The ICJ welcomes these initiatives of the Government of Maldives and will continue to work in close co-operation with it to ensure the domestic incorporation and implementation of international human rights standards in the Maldives. Ms. Salma Khan, CEDAW Expert, and Ravinder Joshi, Legal Adviser implemented the ICJ activities in the Maldives.