NGOs Submission Ahead of the Third Biennial Report of the UN Secretary-General on the status of the human rights treaty body system

May 19, 2019 | News

Ahead of the 2020 review of the human rights treaty body system, the ICJ, together with a number of NGO partners, have made a joint submission to the UN Secretary-General ahead of his third and last biennial report to the UN General Assembly later this year on the status of the human rights treaty body system and the progress achieved in realising greater efficiency and effectiveness in the work of the treaty bodies. 
The joint NGO submission focuses on: 
  • the objectives and principles for the 2020 review;
  • visibility and accessibility;
  • membership;
  • working methods and inter-committee coordination; and
  • the growth of the treaty body system and adequate funding.
The full submission is available here.
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