Report of the Meeting of Eminent African Jurists on HIV and the law in the 21st century

Document Type: Seminar and Conference Report
Date: 2009

hivThe meeting of Eminent African Jurists on HIV and the law in the 21st century was a groundbreaking event co-organised by the ICJ and other organizations and programmes. 

It brought together eminent African judges, lawyers, academics and NGO representatives to discuss the role of the law and the role of the judiciary in responding to and mitigating vulnerability to HIV infection and the impact of the AIDS epidemic across sub-Saharan Africa.

The discussions particularly focused on the current body of scientific, epidemiological, social and medical knowledge around HIV and AIDS, as well as the review of a range of judgments and judicial activities relevant to HIV. From the discussions and presentations, participants developed a statement of principles that can serve as guidance in HIV-related legal and human rights issues.

Principles HIV judiciary-position paper-2009 (full text in English, PDF)

Africa-report meeting jurists-report-2009 (full text in English, PDF)

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