Jun 1, 2023
On 20 May 2023, under the auspices of the Civil Committee for the Independence of Justice – a Tunisian civil society initiative created in 2022 to defend judicial independence – the International Commission of Jurists, jointly with Tunisian and international civil society organizations, held an international seminar to highlight the attacks on the independence of the judiciary in the country since President Kais Saied’s institutional power grab in July 2021.
Jul 13, 2015
The present publication, no. 2 in the “Geneva Forum Series”, reflects the discussions at the 2014 Geneva Forum of Judges and Lawyers on judicial enforcement of economic, social and cultural rights.
The development and global acceptance of the justiciability of economic, social and cultural rights has been a slow and lengthy process, despite a growing consensus that it is possible to have recourse to courts to seek their enforcement.
The discussion is hence no longer whether these rights are justiciable, but how the remaining obstacles to access to justice and the enjoyment of the right to an effective remedy by victims of violations of these rights can be overcome.
At the 2014 Geneva Forum of Judges and Lawyers, participants discussed the progress to date as regards the legal and judicial enforcement and protection of economic, social and cultural rights; respecting the separation of powers while ensuring effective judicial protection; and, challenges and obstacles in the judicial enforcement of economic, social and cultural rights.
The ICJ has convened the Geneva Forum of Judges and Lawyers each year since 2010.
Organized by the ICJ’s Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, the Forum gathers legal practitioners from around the world for dialogue aimed at identifying and finding practical solutions to the challenges their professions face.
Improved judicial protection of human rights is the underlying motivation and theme for the Forums.
The Geneva Forum Series seeks to provide a permanent record of the discussions.
Download the full report here:
Universal-Judicial Enforcement ESCR Geneva Forum Series 2-Publications-Conference Report-2015-ENG
Oct 1, 2014
The present publication, no. 1 in the “Geneva Forum Series”, brings together materials related to the 2013 Geneva Forum on women and the judiciary.
Discussions focused on overcoming obstacles to women’s full and equal participation in the judiciary, and possible links to the better protection of women’s human rights by the judiciary.
The publication opens with highlights of the discussions in Geneva.
A second paper integrates the insights of the Geneva discussions together with findings from earlier regional colloquia in Tanzania and Tunisia. Finally, short snapshots are provided of the situation for women and the judiciary in six jurisdictions: Jordan, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Tanzania, Tunisia and Uganda.
The ICJ has convened the Geneva Forum of Judges and Lawyers each year since 2010.
Organized by the ICJ’s Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, the Forum gathers legal practitioners from around the world for dialogue aimed at identifying and finding practical solutions to the challenges their professions face.
Improved judicial protection of human rights is the underlying motivation and theme for the Forums.
The ICJ plans to publish further entries in the “Geneva Forum Series” following future Forums.
The Series seeks to provide a permanent record of the discussions.
The summaries of the proceedings at the previous Geneva Forums can be consulted here:
1st Geneva Forum
2nd Geneva Forum
3rd Geneva Forum
Download the full text of the Geneva Forum Series no 1:
Universal-Women and Judiciary Gva For 1-Publications-Conference Report-2014-ENG
Apr 3, 2014
In 2013, the ICJ convened three colloquia on women in the judiciary in Arusha, Geneva and Tunis. A brief paper published today summarizes the reflections made and discussions held at these events.
Aug 12, 2013
The Third Geneva Forum for Judges and Lawyers, which took place on 13 December 2012, focused on the role of the domestic court in improving access to justice. The report is now online.
In three sessions, participants discussed how domestic courts grapple with the tension of applying universal standards in the domestic context; the role of the lawyer in strengthening the protection of international human rights law and standards through domestic litigation; and how judges compare national integration of various international human rights law and standards.
Independence of the judiciary-Geneva Forum 2012-Publications-report-2013 (full text in pdf)