Attacks on Justice 2000 – Colombia

Latin America
Issue: Independence of Judges and Lawyers
Document Type: Publication
Date: 2001

At least 31 judges, lawyers and prosecutors were the target of threats, intimidation or physical attacks during the year. More than 100 other people associated with the administration of justice were also the subjects of harassment.

Colombia continued to show a further deterioration of human rights against a background of steady political conflict between the leftist guerrilla groups and state security forces.

Paramilitary groups act in close association with the security forces.

The main legal events affecting the judiciary during the year were the enactment of a law reforming the Military Penal Code and the enactment of a law establishing a new system of specialised District Courts to replace the old and controversial system of Regional Courts.

By the end of the year the government vetoed two key laws that would have helped in bringing about the end to impunity for human rights violators.

Attacks on Justice 2000 – Colombia (full text, PDF)

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