Final report of mission to Chile, April 1974, to study the legal system and the protection of human rights

Latin America
Issue: Civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights
Document Type: Fact Finding Mission
Date: 1974

Niall MacDermot, Secretary General of the ICJ, Dr. Kurt Madlener, Specialist in Spanish and Latin America penal law, and Prof. Covey Oliver, Professor of International Law, went to Chile on behalf of the ICJ in April 1974 to enquire into the situation concerning human rights and the rule of law.

The mission was undertaken at the request of the World Council of Churches and in response to the public invitation issued by the Chilean Foreign Minister to “respected organisations” to come to Chile and find out for themselves the true situation.

Chile-legal system and protection of human rights-fact finding mission report-1974-eng (full text in English, PDF)

Supplement to final report of the ICJ mission to Chile by Niall Macdermot, 29 January 1975

Chile-political prisoners-supplement to fact finding mission report-1975-eng (full text in English, PDF)


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