ICJ Annual Report 2015 now online!

Document Type: Publication
Date: 2016

The ICJ has issued its Annual Report 2015, which offers a concise summary of the work carried out by the ICJ over the past year.

While the ICJ continues to engage with and often lead on the development and implementation of regional and international human rights standards, the ICJ is witnessing an attack on these standards.

Today, there are signs of a global backlash against human rights protections that has gone beyond a reduced government commitment to provide support and has instead, in some quarters, transformed into active hostility to these rights.

Political and economic trends are undermining human rights standards so that millions have become more, rather than less, vulnerable.

Inequality and discrimination are becoming more entrenched. With increasingly narrowing support, this is a difficult time to be operating in human rights protection.

Last year, the ICJ has worked hard to press in the UN and other intergovernmental fora for better protections and clearer standards aimed at ensuring accountability and access to justice for everyone.

The ICJ also continues to be concerned about judicial independence and impropriety and whilst it continues to support the former, it is also concerned where acts of judicial impropriety are rampant, and judges are not held accountable for abuses of judicial position and mis-application of the law that undermines human rights protection.

In 2015, the ICJ continued its work in monitoring the counter-terrorism measures introduced by some States and highlighting issues that raise human rights concerns and it has also focused on the issue of human rights in the digital age.

Last year, the ICJ’s work also continued to focus on the most marginalized groups in society that, already vulnerable to rights violations, are the first to suffer from a weakening of rights protection.

On the issue of enforced disappearances, the ICJ published a new ICJ Practitioners’ Guide on enforced disappearances and extrajudicial executions, available in both Spanish and English.

For a complete overview of ICJ’s most important activities in 2015, you can download the Annual Report 2015 (in PDF) here:

Universal-ICJ Annual Report-Publications-Annual Report-2015-ENG

Universal-ICJ Annual Report low res-Publications-Annual Report-2015-ENG (in low resolution to download faster)


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