ICJ Intervention on the Review of the Mandate of the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Haiti.
26 September 2007
Distinguished Mr. President,
The International Commission of Jurists values the mandate of the independent expert on the human rights situation in Haiti, commends the performance by Mr. Louis Joinet in its exercise and supports further extension of the mandate of the independent expert, as it has been instrumental in enhancing the effectiveness of the administration of justice in Haiti, in accordance with the rule of law principles.
However, some constraints remain as regards the issue of impunity that must be tackled by the Haitian authorities.
Seizing this occasion, I would like to pose the following question:
Monsieur Joinet,
“En juin dernier, lorsque vous avez présenté votre rapport, vous avez déclaré, dans le document de mise à jour que vous avez distribué, que la remise a la famille Duvalier de fonds gelés en Suisse serai, je cite “une scandaleuse surprime à l’impunité”.
En quoi le renouvellement de votre mandat permettrait de faire avancer cette question?
J`aimerait vous remercier pour votre réponse.
Haiti-Situation Human Rights-Open letters-2007 (full text, PDF)