ICJ submission to the Committee against Torture on periodic reports of Sri Lanka

Issue: Civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights
Document Type: Analysis Brief
Date: 2011

During its 47th session, the UN Committee against Torture will undertake an examination of the combined third and fourth periodic reports of Sri Lanka.

In preparation for this examination, and in response to Sri Lanka’s combined report, the Committee issued a list of issues to be considered during the forthcoming examination.

The ICJ has submitted a parallel report to the Committee against Torture, which includes replies to aspects of some questions in the Committee’s list of issues, and sets out concrete recommendations for Sri Lanka’s implementation of obligations under the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

The ICJ’s submission addresses issues concerning: the definition of torture; the crime of enforced disappearances; rights on arrest or detention; habeas corpus; contemporary issues at the provincial level; non-refoulement; witness protection legislation; reparation mechanisms for victims; and the prohibition on the admission as evidence of information obtained by torture.

Sri Lanka-torture-analysis brief-2011 (full text, PDF)

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