The Philippines: human Rights after martial law: report of a mission

Issue: Civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, Independence of Judges and Lawyers
Document Type: Fact Finding Mission
Date: 1984

This report, based on a mission sent to the Philippines in January 1984, is the second to be issued on the situation of human rights in the Philippines by the ICJ.

President Marcos formally lifted martial law in January 1981, but in doing so issued decrees which retained for himself and for the armed forces many of the powers associated with martial law. The ICJ continued to receive reports of gross violations of human rights including frequent extra-judicial killings by members of the armed forces.

Accordingly, it was decided to send a new mission to the Philippines to assess the human rights situation since the lifting of martial law. The mission was asked to enquire, as far as possible in the time available, into economic and social rights as well as civil and political rights. While the mission was in preparation there occurred the assassination in August 1983 of the opposition leader, Benigno S. Aquino, Jr: as he set foot in the Philippines and while under military escort. It was decided that the ICJ mission should not seek to enquire into or report upon the
circumstances of his death.

The members of the mission were Professor Virginia A. Leary of the United States, Mr. A.A.T. Ellis QC of New Zealand, and Dr. Kurt Madlener of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The report contains:

  1. An Overview of Human Rights
  2. Abuses by the Armed Forces and Police
  3. Criminal Law and Procedure
  4. Independence of the Judiciary and Bar
  5. Economic and Social Rights

Philippines-human rights-mission report-1984-eng (full text in English, PDF)

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