On Wednesday 30 November 10.00-11.30 CET, the International Commission of Jurists is organizing a webinar on Care for migrant children in the EU: Case management and integrating migrant children in mainstream child protection systems.
The webinar will discuss the needs of children out of care that also apply to migrant children, and consequently how to include case management or placing migrant children in the mainstream child protection system can be integrated in the current national systems across the EU. It is the last webinar in the series as part of the CADRE project.
See the full agenda below.
Please register here by Monday 28 November 2022 to attend.
Contact: Karolína Babická, Legal adviser, [email protected]
Care for migrant children
Case management and integrating migrant children in mainstream child protection systems
Wednesday 30 November 10.00-11.30 CET
To attend the webinar please register here by 28 November 2022: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_aUE-uKKBT9aTfsQgTDhwHg
Migrant children are first and foremost children, and under international law children should never be detained in the immigration context. Case management or placing a migrant child in the mainstream child protection system of the country is most likely to result in a high level of compliance with the human rights of the child (including rights to family life, right to education, health, play, protection against ill-treatment) that are protected under international human rights law as well as EU law. Additional services may need to be put in place, such as access to interpretation and education on various cultures for the services themselves as well as for foster families or other places where children may be accommodated.
This on-line discussion will look at integrating migrant children in mainstream child protection systems and at the feasibility of introducing case management in the current national systems. It will explore practical challenges and obstacles to such placement at national level and allow for a discussion among practitioners on what could be done to overcome these barriers.
The webinar, organised within CADRE Project is open to practitioners, lawyers, experts, representatives of national administrations and EU institutions, NGOs and academics. See here the Training materials on Alternatives to detention for children, see the case-law database developed as part of the CADRE project. Please register here to attend.
10.00 Welcome and introduction
Karolína Babická, ICJ
10.10 The needs and rights of children out of care
Dr Ruth Farrugia, Faculty of Laws, University of Malta
10.30 Key considerations when exploring case management-based alternatives to detention
Hannah Cooper, International Detention Coalition
10.45 Foster care and semi-independent living for migrant children in the Netherlands
Liedewij de Ruijter de Wildt, NIDOS
11.00 Cooperation between NGO actors in Hungary
Borbála Benedek, Menedék
11.15 Discussion
Click here to see the recording of the webinar.