VIII. Access to housing of vulnerable groups

69. During her visit, the Special Rapporteur also heard testimonies from lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals who have encountered discrimination in the private housing sector. She received reports of several cases of forced evictions of LGBT people by private landlords in various regions across Indonesia. She recalls that States have the obligation to protect against abuses of human rights by third parties, including discrimination and forced evictions, and to adopt the necessary measures to enable and assist individuals in enjoying their human rights.

X. Conclusions and recommendations

Promoting equality and non-discrimination in access to housing

(n) The Government should review and repeal national and regional laws, policies and practices which perpetuate discrimination (by State and non-State actors) in access to adequate housing of marginalized groups (such as women, LGBT people, internal migrants and religious minorities);

Link to full text of the report: Report-SRHousing-Indonesia-2013-eng


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