IV. Specific rights and issues of concern for internally displaced persons
G. Groups with specific needs
61. The situation of sexual minorities (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex–LGBTI), especially in IDP camps, was also referred to the Special Rapporteur during his visit. Incidents reported included sexual aggressions, physical assault and psychological violence among others.{{26}} Observers have noted a particular lack of access to shelter protection for members of both sexes, and LGBTI individuals, who had suffered sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), and HIV-positive individuals.{{27}} Special protection and provision should be made for those categories of IDPs.
[[26]]26. Ibid. [biannual report of the Protection Cluster on protection in IDP camps – January–June 2014], p. 13.[[26]]
[[27]]27. Kim Thuy Seelinger and Laura Wagner, “Safe Haven: Sheltering Displaced Persons from Sexual and Gender-Based Violence — Case Study: Haiti,” (UNHCR, Berkeley Law Human Rights Center), available from www.unhcr.org/51b6e2b29.html, p. 70. [[27]]