122. Finally, the attention of the Special Rapporteur was drawn to the situation of sexual minorities. Though discrimination against sexual minorities does not fit fully under his mandate, the Special Rapporteur is of the view that their situation deserves attention.{{*}}
123. He met with representatives of organizations of sexual minorities and transvestites who reported to him cases of violations of human rights because of their sexual orientation. The Special Rapporteur was concerned at the number of such cases.
124. The Special Rapporteur was informed that the provincial legislation allows police to impose detention or sanctions for infractions that do not constitute criminal offences. He has also been informed that in several provinces there is a “Contravention Code” which penalizes those “who are dressed as somebody of the opposite sex” with detention for up to 15 days.
[[*]] The Special Rapporteur express (sic) concern at the numerous cases of torture, arbitrary arrest and detention of members of sexual minorities, who are targeted because of their sexual orientation. Concrete cases, including deaths, were brought to the attention of the Special Rapporteur.[[*]]
Link to full text of the report: http://www.unhchr.ch/Huridocda/Huridoca.nsf/TestFrame/bf629e205171bd60c1256b91005436a8