II. Main findings since the 2012 visit

A. Scale of the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography

8. Despite the absence of accurate, disaggregated, up-to-date and verifiable statistical data, the lack of complaints and inadequate level of reporting, the Special Rapporteur was able to ascertain that the sale and sexual exploitation of children in Honduras, in its multiple forms (child prostitution, sexual exploitation of minors of diverse sexual orientation and of African descent, sexual exploitation in the street, sex tourism, child pornography), remains widespread. There has likewise been no abatement in the causes and risk factors identified during her first visit, which include poverty, inequality, social exclusion, gender-based discrimination and violence, social tolerance, impunity for perpetrators, insecurity, migration and the transnational dimension of the phenomena. These causes and factors increase children’s vulnerability to sale and sexual exploitation. Teenage and early pregnancies remain a concern, and in many cases result in exclusion from education.

Link to full text of the report: Report-SRSaleofChildren-Honduras-2014-eng


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