74. JAL 07/11/2013 Case no: BRA 5/2013 State reply: none to date
Alleged death threats and false allegations of paedophilia and sexual abuse against LGBT rights defenders in Brazil.
75. The Special Rapporteur thanks the Government for the reply received to one of the communications sent during the reporting period but regrets that, at the time of finalising the report, five communications remained without reponse [sic]. While recognising the steps taken by the Government to improve the protection of human rights defenders, outlined in the Government’s response dated 16 September 2013, she urges the Government of Brazil to conduct prompt and thorough investigations in each case, prosecute the perpetrators, and provide adequate reparation to victims. She trusts that a response to the other communications will be provided shortly.
77. The Special Rapporteur wishes to express her deep concern about the reported continuous climate of violence and pressure – involving killing, harassment, intimidation and criminalisation – experienced by organisations, social movements and indigenous communities defending environmental and land-related rights. The Special Rapporteur expresses serious concern concerning the death threats and harassment targeting those working to end discrimination against the LGBTI community in Brazil, as mentioned in the communication dated 7 November 2013. She expresses further concern at the escalating violence against journalists investigating corruption by public officials and the police, such as that mentioned in the communication dated 6 December 2012.
Link to full text of the report: Report-SRHRD-Communications and replies-2014-eng-fra-esp
Link to Special Rapporteur’s correspondence with the State: Correspondence-SR-Brazil-2013-eng