B. Vulnerable groups of human rights defenders

2. Defending the rights of LGBTI and HIV/AIDS persons

59. The Special Representative is particularly concerned about the lack of protection for defenders who are engaged with issues that are socially sensitive such as the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons or public awareness on HIV/AIDS.

60. She received credible reports of violations against such defenders. For instance, Ms. Maria, Gaya Nusantara, East Java, who advocated for equal rights for LGBTI persons in East Java, was subsequently assaulted and intimidated. The victim filed a complaint with the police, but they reportedly did not register her complaint, allegedly in the absence of national legislation on LGBTIs. She further sought legal counselling from lawyers, but they refused to take up her case because of the apprehension of the issue of LGBTI in the country as a “foreign product”. In another case, Mr. Hartoyo, an advocate for women’s rights in Aceh, was subjected to torture and degrading treatment by police officers while in custody because of his sexual orientation. The Special Representative was further informed of intimidation directed at Ms. Baby Jim Aditya in Jakarta, who was warned in 2003 not to attend the funeral of a patient who had died from AIDS.

Link to full text of the report: Mission report-SR Human Rights Defenders-Indonesia-2008-eng

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