VII. Women facing multiple forms of discrimination

D. Lesbian, bisexual and transgender women

77. The Working Group is concerned that lesbian, bisexual and transgender women in China are subject to multiple forms of discrimination and violence in educational establishments, workplaces and the family. According to the results of a survey in 2009, over a third of the lesbian or bisexual women surveyed had suffered domestic violence, perpetrated by family members or partners. Many women reported contemplating suicide.{{31}}

78. Prohibitions on homosexuality were repealed in 1997 and homosexuality was removed from the official list of mental illnesses in 2001. However, since those two legal reforms, the Government has banned publications regarding lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues and stalled further developments to prevent discrimination.{{32}}

IX. Conclusions and recommendations

B. Recommendations

110. In order to protect the rights of women in vulnerable situations, the Working Group recommends that the Government:

(a) Continue and extend measures to empower women in vulnerable situations, particularly women in detention, refugee women, disabled women, women living with HIV/AIDS and lesbian, bisexual and transgender women and facilitate their participation in economic, social and political life;


Link to full text of the report: Report-WGWomen-China-2014-eng

[[31]]31. Women’s Watch-China, Annual Research Report (2012), pages 9-10.[[31]]

[[32]]32. See Tom Mountford, “The legal status and position of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the People’s Republic of China”, International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (March 2010), available from[[32]]

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