Mar 20, 2015 | Advocacy, Non-legal submissions
Today, the ICJ made a submission to the Universal Periodic Review of Nauru.
The submission brings to the attention of the members of the Human Rights Council’s Working Group issues concerning:
- The independence of the judiciary; and,
- International human rights treaty status and reporting obligations.
Nov 23, 2014 | Events
In partnership with the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), the ICJ convened and participated in a one-day workshop on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism of the UN Human Rights Council, held in Lahore on 22 November 2014.
The workshop was convened by the ICJ and HRCP as a follow up to, and in response to requests by participants at, training workshops held in Pakistan in February 2014. Now half way between Pakistan’s second and third periodic reviews under the UPR mechanism, the workshop brought together representatives from civil society from throughout Pakistan working on a wide range of human rights issues. It drew from the experience of national and international advocates and human rights lawyers and defenders to discuss:
- The importance of international human rights law at the national level;
- The UPR as a mechanism for human rights protection and how it fits within the broader framework of UN human rights mechanisms;
- Opportunities for NGO engagement in the UPR, especially in the development of a mid-term civil society evaluation report and in preparation for Pakistan’s third cycle UPR in 2017; and
- Weaknesses in Pakistan’s engagement with the UPR.
Sep 5, 2014 | Advocacy, Non-legal submissions, Uncategorized
The ICJ, Amnesty and independent experts Eugene R. Fidell, Elizabeth L. Hillman, Nancy Duff Campbell, made a submission for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the United States on the failure of the US military justice system to comply with the State’s international human rights obligations.
USA-Military Justice system UPR-Advocacy-non legal submission-2014 (full text in pdf)
May 19, 2014 | Advocacy, News, Non-legal submissions
The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has just finalized its review of El Salvador, one of the State parties under examination during the 52nd session of the Committee held between the 28 April and 23 May 2014.
May 6, 2014 | News
More than 40 delegates from nine countries attended a regional workshop for ASEAN lawyers in Bangkok April 28-30 on the promotion and protection of the rights of human rights defenders.