Council of Europe endorses global principles on the right to information

Council of Europe endorses global principles on the right to information

The ICJ welcomes the endorsement today by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe of the Tshwane Principles on National Security and the Right to Information.

The ICJ was one of a number of civil society groups and government representatives who contributed to the development of the Principles.

Headline stories such as the Bradley Manning, Edward Snowden, and David Miranda cases, and the large number of other similar cases and situations around the world that do not necessarily receive the same media attention, demonstrate the timeliness and relevance of the Principles.

The ICJ hopes that the precedent set by the PACE will now be followed by other inter-governmental organisations at the global and regional levels, recognizing and endorsing the Principles.

Links to the resolution and recommendation by the PACE:

Global-Tshwane Principles on right to information-position paper-2013 (full text in pdf)

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