The ICJ and other groups made a joint follow-up submission to the UN Human Rights Committee

On 27 March 2018, the ICJ, Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR) and Cross Cultural Foundation (CrCF) made a joint follow-up submission to the UN Human Rights Committee on Thailand’s implementation of the Committee’s prioritized recommendations.

On 23 March 2017, during its 119th Session, the Human Rights Committee adopted its concluding observations on the second periodic report of Thailand under article 40 of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

Pursuant to its rules of procedure, the Committee requested Thailand to provide a follow up report on its implementation of the Committee’s recommendations made in paragraphs 8 (constitution and legal framework) 22 (extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances and torture) and 34 (conditions of detention) of its concluding observations by 23 March 2018. To date, the Thai authorities are yet to file their follow-up report with the Committee.

In their joint submission to the Human Rights Committee, the ICJ, TLHR and CrCF detailed their concerns in relation to Thailand’s failure to implement the Committee’s recommendations in paragraphs 8 and 22 of its concluding observations. The three organizations’ submission focuses on their concerns arising from the following:

Constitution and legal framework

  • Orders by the Head of the National Council for Peace and Order (‘HNCPO’); and
  • Escalation in use of HNCPO Order No. 3/2558 to restrict fundamental freedoms.

 Extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances and torture 

  • Allegations of widespread use of torture and other ill-treatment;
  • Incommunicado detention;
  • Southern Border Provinces; and
  • Threats and reprisals against persons working to bring to light cases of alleged torture, illtreatment and enforced disappearance.

 Read also

ICJ and Thai Lawyers for Human Rights, Joint submission to the UN Human Rights Committee, 13 February 2017


Kingsley Abbott, ICJ Senior International Legal Adviser for Southeast Asia, e:

Thailand_Joint-Follow-up-Human-Rights-Committee-Submission-march-2018 (Full submission in ENG, PDF)

Thailand-Follow up HRC-Advocacy-Non legal submission-2018-THA (Thai version, in PDF)

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