The ICJ and ZimRights ask for urgent intervention on access to COVID-19 vaccines from African Commission Mechanism

Feb 19, 2021 | Advocacy, News, Open letters

In a letter of 17 February, the ICJ and ZimRights called on the Chairperson of the African’s Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights Working Group on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to address Zimbabwe’s failure to meet its obligations to protect the rights of life and health of its population in respect of its COVID-19 vaccine policies.

Zimbabwe had failed to produce, publish and widely disseminate a comprehensive plan on vaccine acquisition and distribution. These are also necessary measures to secure the life and health of those living in neighbouring countries of Zimbabwe and therefore of broader concern within the Southern African Development Community in particular.

The ICJ and ZimRights called for an intervention of the Working Group and the wider African Commission with a view to ensure that vital information is made available by the Government of Zimbabwe about its national plan for COVID-19 vaccine procurement, distribution and roll-out including any resources it has set aside for these efforts.

To read the full letter, click here.



Kaajal Ramjathan-Keogh, ICJ Africa Director, Kaajal.Keogh(a), +27 84 514 8039

Tanveer Jeewa, Media and Legal Consultant, Tanveer.Jeewa(a)

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