Tunisia : ICJ high-level mission calls for establishing rule of law and human rights accountability

Apr 14, 2011 | News

The ICJ has called upon the Tunisian authorities to take immediate steps to pursue accountability for past human rights violations and to reform the country’s legal framework. 

The statement comes as the ICJ concluded a high-level mission to Tunisia aimed at assessing the Rule of Law and human rights situation in the country following theouster of the regime of former President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali on 14 January 2011.

The mission was headed by ICJ President Pedro Nikken, who was accompanied by ICJ Secretary General Wilder Tayler, and ICJ Legal Adviser for the Middle East and North Africa Saïd Benarbia.

Tunisia-rule of law and human rights accountbility-press release-2011 (full text, DPF)

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