Venezuela: ICJ calls for accountability for widespread human rights violations at UN Human Rights Council

The ICJ delivered a statement today on the occasion of the interactive dialogue on the oral update by the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the situation in Venezuela calling for attention to the persistence of widespread serious human rights violations in the country.


The statements reads as follows:

“Madame President,

The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) welcomes the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission’s oral update on the situation in Venezuela.

The ICJ calls attention to the persistence of widespread serious human rights violations, as reported by the FFM in its 2020’s report, including extrajudicial killings.

Venezuelan authorities have wholly failed to comply with the Mission’s recommendations, including the need for “prompt, effective, thorough, independent, impartial and transparent investigations into the human rights violations and crimes”.

This underscores the deficits in judicial and prosecutorial independence that has undermined fair trial rights.

The ICJ is extremely concerned about attacks on human rights defenders and civil society organizations in Venezuela by the authorities, which include the criminalization of the defence of human rights protected under international human rights law.

Civil society organizations that were targeted in 2020 include “Acción Solidaria”, “Provea”, “Alimenta la Solidaridad” and “CONVITE”, and early this year five members of “Azul Positivo” were arbitrarily detained and continue to be harassed.

The ICJ urges that the Venezuelan authorities ensure their full cooperation with the FFM and immediately cease the attacks on human rights defenders; conduct independent investigations and bring to justice those responsible for serious human violations; and remove obstacles to access to justice for victims.

Thank you.”


Massimo Frigo, ICJ UN Representative, e: massimo.frigo(a), t: +41797499949

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