Zimbabwe: ICJ Colloquia on women lawyers and human rights defenders

Women judges, lawyers and human rights defenders from across Africa participated in ICJ Colloquia on “Women Lawyers and Human Rights Defenders: Challenges and Opportunities” on 30 and 31 July in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.
The colloquia were hosted in collaboration and partnership with the Gender Committee of the SADC Lawyers Association, the Zimbabwe Women Lawyers Association and Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights.

It enabled over 40 women lawyers, human rights defenders and judges to come together to identify the challenges faced by women lawyers and human rights defenders and elaborate action steps.

Discussions also addressed the role of the judiciary in advancing gender equality, women’s access to justice and protection of women human rights defenders.

The Colloquia are part of an ICJ multi-year initiative on women judges, lawyers and human rights defenders as agents of change.


Justice Martha Koome (Kenya)

Justice Lillian Tibatemwa-Ekirikubinza (Uganda)

Doo Aphane (Swaziland)

Jane Serwanga (Kenya)

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